well, sort of.

There's a catch. A big one.

They want the government to mandate coverage - - for everyone.

The industry's largest support group, AHIP, has set forth a proposal under which insurers would accept individuals with pre-existing coverage, so long as everyone is required to carry insurance.

Obama opposes mandated coverage
. Hillary (& others) supports it.

This is going to be fun.

The insurers, of course, are right. They know their business better than the government. People like Hillary and Obama just kick back and enjoy the benefits of their cushy government jobs. They don't truly understand the wheels behind the machine. How could they?

Cherry picking. That's the street slang for adverse selection in the underwriting process. If insurers are forced to take people who they ordinarily would not want to insure, then who is going to pay the bills? Answer: People who have no claims -- but still pay premiums. That's the way the game works. Shifting dollars.

Notice the irony yet?

Obama wants to "spread the wealth" around. Fine. Start with health care Mister President-Elect.

Prediction: Typical insurance premiums may rise by 30% to 50% by the end of Obama's first term.



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