The Obama kids haven't even picked out, much less named their new puppy yet and already Democrats in Congress are spending money we don't have on healthcare reform.

This article from the WSJ Health Blog gives a pristine overview of the Democratic overreaching.

Among other things, they want to throw some more money into Medicaid, state children's health programs, and the computerization of medical records.

Meanwhile in Detroit . . . .

No, I'm actually not a fan of the great automobile bailout scheme -- just making a point that there are better things to spend our borrowed dollars on.

And just to be clear, I'm not against healthcare for children. What I am against is more federal intervention in programs that by all rights should be funded by individual states, including Medicaid, by the way.

But you think there's too much Washington in your backyard NOW? Just wait until that new puppy is 3 or 4 years old.


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